Teacher Sellers

You finally opened your store full of enthusiam & hope, listed your products, & then nothing but crickets...

Nothing is selling, you are disappointed & discouraged - wondering if you should call it quits.

Sound familiar?

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You're not alone in this!

Countless teacher sellers have been in your shoes, feeling the exact same frustrations.

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It's a shared experience, one that many in the teacher seller community can relate to.

If you’re like me, I wanted my resources to provide immense value to other teachers. I wanted my resources to stand out & get more eyes on them, leading to more sales!

But let's be honest, its not as easy as throwing up some resources & hoping for the best. It requires strategy to showcase the awesome-ness you are selling.

Turn your overlooked resources into super stars with the B.O.O.S.T. Method

You may be struggling with...

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Designs that don't stand out, leaving your resources lost in the crowd.

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Weak branding that misses the mark, struggling to connect with your audience.

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Low visibility in a vast market, making it hard for your work to be seen.

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Disappointing sales, feeling your passion and effort aren't paying off.

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Let s be real

If getting eyeballs on our resources & raking in the doh were easy, we’d all be sipping cocktails on a private island. But since we’re here and not on an island, let’s tackle this head on.

Your resources are too good to stay hidden or go unnoticed. Let’s dust off the cobwebs, roll out the red carpet, & unveil those hidden gems!

Here’s the good news...

I've been where you are, wrestling with the challenge of making my resources more captivating.

I’ve struggled to get more eyeballs on my products & wanting to hear those “Cha-chings” once I’ve sold something.

But what if you could change your results...for the better?

That's where I come in with a blend of personalized coaching, support, and resources tailored to the unique needs of science teacher sellers - like YOU!

Let’s make your educational resources the ones

every teacher wants! All you have to do is schedule

a free 20-minute call with me!

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In this conference call, we’ll explore areas of frustration in your student engagement. And I’ll help you get started in your classroom transformation!

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And in case we’ve never met before...

Hey! I’m Rachel

For the past 16 years, I've been teaching high school biology and anatomy. And here's the kicker: I've been successfully selling my teaching resources for nearly 5 years!

Choosing me means...

you’re getting a focused, efficient path to improving visibility and sales along with support from someone who is committed to your growth!

I would be honored to be your coach. But first, let’s get to know each other.